


Sankaran, S., Dick, R., Passfield, R. and Swepson, P. (Eds) (2001), Effective Change Management through Action Learning and Action Research: Concepts, Frameworks, Processes and Applications, Southern Cross University Press, Lismore.

Pinchen, S. and Passfield, R. (eds) (1995), Moving On: Creative Applications of Action Learning and Action Research, ALARPM Assoc., Brisbane (200 pages).

International Refereed Articles

Passfield, R. (2002), Creating Innovation and Synergy through a Parallel Action Learning Structure, The Learning Organisation: An International Journal,  9(4) 150-158.

Limerick, D., Passfield, R. and Cunnington, B. (1994),Transformational Change: Towards an Action-Learning Organisation, The Learning Organisation: An International Journal, 1 (2).

(won the excellence award for the best article published in the Learning Organisation Journal for 1994)

Journal Articles

Passfield, R. (2000) Anticipatory action learning: Perceiving the future through the eyes of our children, International Journal of Action Learning, 1(3), 81-84.

Passfield, R. (1999) Learning for Leadership and Sustainable Profitability, Global Anthropological Journal of Action Learning.

Passfield, R. (1998) Reflections on World Congresses 4/8 on action learning and action research – Cartagena, Colombia, 1997, ALAR Journal, 3(1), 19-34.

Passfield, R. (1997)  Managing the energy of thesis writing: A Chakra perspective, ALAR Journal, 2(2), June, 18-38.

Passfield, R. (1997)  Dedication – to Dr. Bert Cunnington, ALAR Journal, 2(2), June, 3-17.

Passfield, R. (1996)  Action learning: A paradigm whose time has come, ALAR Journal,1 (2) December, 14-30.

Book Chapters

Passfield, R. (2001) Action Learning for Personal and Organisational Transformation, in Sankaran, S., Dick, R., Passfield, R. and Swepson, P. (Eds), Effective Change Management through Action Learning and Action Research: Concepts, Frameworks, Processes and Applications, Southern Cross University Press, Lismore.

Passfield, R (2000)  The University of Queensland Action Learning Program:  A Parallel Action learning Structure, in O. Zuber-Skerritt (Ed), Action Learning, Action Research and Process Management: Theory, Practice, Praxis, Action Research Unit, Faculty of Education, Griffith University, Brisbane.

Passfield, R. (1996)  Empowering People and Organisations through Action Learning and Action Research, in T. Carr (Ed), Different Perspectives in Action Research, ALARPM, Prosperity Press and Interchange, Brisbane, 23-28.

Passfield, R. M. (1995), The Action-Learning Organisation, in W.M. Timpson, and F. Broadbent (Eds), Action Learning: Experience and Promise, The Tertiary Education Institute, TheUniversity of Queensland, St. Lucia.

Passfield, R. M. (1992), From Vicious to Virtuous Circles: Improving the Quality of Education through Action Research, in T. Carr and O. Zuber-Skerritt (Eds.), Working Together for Quality Management: Action Research in Management and Education, Brisbane: The Tertiary Education Institute, The University of Queensland, 29-61.

Book Foreword

Passfield, R. M. (1994), Foreword, in S. Abraham, Exploratory Action Research for Manager Development,Brisbane: ALARPM Assoc. Inc. and Gibaran Management Consultants.

Published Conference Proceedings

Passfield, R.M. (1996), Vocational Education and Training in the 21st. Century; You can make a difference by Being Who You Are!, Proceedings of the 6th National VET Conference,Coffs Harbour, NSW.

Passfield, R.M. (1994), An Action Research Approach to Action Learning: Empowering Individuals and Organisations, in M. Laidlaw, P. Lomax, and J. Whitehead (Eds), Congress Papers, World Congress 3 on Action Learning, Action Research and Process Management, University of Bath, UK, Brisbane: ALARPM Assoc. Inc., 171-174.

Passfield, R.M. and Dickie, K. (1992), Walking on Water: Developing University Leaders – an Action Learning/Action Research Case Study, in C.S. Bruce and A.L. Russell (Eds.) Proceedings of the Second World Congress on Action Learning. Brisbane: Action Learning, Action Research and Process Management Association, 137-139.

Carroll. A-M. and Passfield, R. M.  (1992), Developing Managers through Action Learning: Let’s Expand our Design Options, in C.S. Bruce and A.L. Russell (Eds.) Proceedings of the Second World Congress on Action Learning. Brisbane: Action Learning, Action Research and Process Management Association, 283-285.

Passfield, R  (1992), Developing senior academic and administrative managers through action learning: An action research case study, in C.S. Bruce and A.L. Russell (Eds.) Proceedings of the Second World Congress on Action Learning. Brisbane: Action Learning, Action Research and Process Management Association.

Passfield, R. (1991), Action research: A strategic HRM approach for achieving postmerger integration?, In C. Colins and P. Chippendale, Proceedings of the First World Congress on Action Research and Process Management: Vol 1 – Theory and Praxis Frameworks, ALARPM Assoc. Inc., 57-65.

Published Reports

Passfield, R. M. and Billett, S., (1995), Action Learning in Vocational Education and Training – Volume 2, Action Learning as a Process: Theoretical Foundations, Chadstone, Vic.: TAFE National Staff Development Committee.

Dickie, K., Passfield, R. M., Billett, S. et al, (1995), Action Learning in Vocational Education and Training – Volume 3: Applied Principles, Chadstone, Vic.: TAFE National Staff Development Committee.

Dickie, K. and Passfield, R. M., (1993), The University ofQueensland Action Learning Program 1991 and 1992: Final Report, Brisbane: The Tertiary Education Institute, TheUniversity of Queensland.

Published Research Paper

Passfield, R. (1989), Corporate Management and Corporate Culture in the Australian Public Service, Centre for Australian Public Sector Management (CAPSM), Research Paper No.3

Conference Papers or Presentations

Limerick, D., Passfield, R. and Cunnington, B (1992),Transformational change: Towards an action learning organization, Paper presented at the CAPSM seminar on “Strategic and Cultural Change in the Public Service”, 27-28 November, 1992.

(Academic Directors for seminar – Ron Passfield and David Limerick)

Other Publications

Anderson, L. and Passfield, R.M. (1994), Prospective Design vs Retrospective Reflection: Jargon or Justification?, Action Research Case Studies (ARCS) Newsletter, Vol 2 , No 1, 12-16.

Dick, R. , Passfield, R. M. and P.W. Wildman (1993), Action Research for Beginners, Action Research Case Studies (ARCS) Newsletter, Vol 1 , No 1.